Business Model Design

Deconstruct, Stress Test, and Pitch Your Idea Clearly and Concisely.

BMD teaches you how secure buy-in from early co-founders, advisers, investors and customers using four foundational story pitches.

Includes a 30-day email course, on-demand-workshops, business modeling tools (Lean Canvas and Traction Roadmap), and access to a private community.


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Do You Struggle to Get Others to See What You See?

What if you could communicate your idea clearly and concisely to your key stakeholders?

Half-built MVP

Pitching is a key skill all entrepreneurs need to learn. You don't just pitch for investment.

You pitch to acquire customers, co-founders, advisors, and investors.

Includes a 30-day email course, on-demand-workshops, business modeling tools (Lean Canvas and Traction Roadmap), and access to a private community.

The problem with most pitches, however, is that

  • they have no story,
  • are too solution-centric, and
  • are too generic.

A good pitch is NOT about brute-forcing your solution on others; rather, it needs to

  • tell a story: we are wired for stories.
  • be solution-agnostic: good pitches create context for why your solution needs to exist.
  • be audience-specific: what investors care about is not the same as what customers or your team care about.

This course shows you how.

Who's it for?

BMD is for early stage entrepreneurs, innovators, and product managers who want to communicate their idea clearly and concisely to get buy-in from key stakeholders.

You're a great fit it if any of these are true:

  • You're an aspiring entrepreneur or innovator in the idea stage.

  • You're working on a digital, physical, or services product.

  • You've built and launched a new product (MVP) with few or no paying customers yet.

  • You're pre-product/market fit.

  • You're ready to level-up and transform your mindsets.

You're not a fit it if:

  • You aren't actively working on an idea. This course is for doers.

  • You have a mature product with 20+ team members.

  • You have a working product with lots of customers and are getting ready to scale.

  • You're post-product/market fit.

  • Your current process is working and you aren't interested in changing anything.

Includes a 30-day email course, on-demand-workshops, business modeling tools (Lean Canvas and Traction Roadmap), and access to a private community.

What You'll Learn

BMD teaches you how to deconstruct your idea into four foundational story pitches that help you communicate your idea clearly and concisely:

  • The Elevator Story Pitch: Used to provide a 30-second overview of your big idea and get others to ask for more.
  • The Founder Story Pitch: Used to tell your origin story and build credibility.
  • The Customer Story Pitch: Used to acquire customers.
  • The Business Model Story Pitch: Used to acquire advisers and investors.

What's Inside

Step-by-step recipes, strategies, and tactics for deconstructing your idea, baselining your business model, and formulating a launch or growth plan.

Business Model Design

You'll learn how to deconstruct your big idea into a set of key beliefs on a 1-page Lean Canvas.

Learn how to craft a compelling unique value proposition for your idea and build a killer elevator pitch.

Baseline your current progress on a traction model and learn how to formulate an effective go-to-market plan.

Assemble all the pieces into a 5-minute business model story pitch you can use to secure buy-in from co-founders, advisors, and investors.

Includes a 30-day email course, on-demand-workshops, business modeling tools (Lean Canvas and Traction Roadmap), and access to a private community.