90-Day Startup


Go From Idea to Early Traction Without a Product.

90-Day Startup is a cohort-based workshop, designed by Ash Maurya, for aspiring entrepreneurs, innovators and product managers who want to level-up and build the next generation of products that matter.

Products that matter = Products that go on to achieve product/market fit.

The Idea Labyrinth

Join thousands of founders who use our battle-tested playbooks to get their ideas off the ground.

Stop wandering aimlessly.

Yes, the early stage is uncertain but it doesn't have to be messy. We help you systematically go from your Plan A to plan that works before running out of resources.

It doesn't help to be constantly reminded that most products end up failing anyway.

  • What if you could test the viability of your idea before committing yourself and your company resources fully?
  • What if you could find traction (aka paying customers) for your product even before building it?
  • What if you could use this early validation to de-risk your idea, build a team, and greenlight your project?

That is what we teach you how to do and why we built 90-Day Startup.

Who's It for?

90DS is for early stage entrepreneurs, innovators, and product managers
seeking to level up and build the next generation of products that matter.

You're a great fit if any of these are true:

  • You're an aspiring entrepreneur or innovator in the idea stage.
  • You're working on a digital, physical, or services product.
  • You've built and launched a new product (MVP) with few or no paying customers yet.
  • You're pre-product/market fit.

You're not a great fit if:

  • You aren't actively working on an idea. Our program is for doers.
  • You have a mature product with 20+ team members.
  • You have a working product with lots of customers getting ready to scale.
  • You're post-product/market fit.
  • Your current process is working and you aren't interested in changing anything.
"Before this program, I had goals set, but, I didn't have a clear understanding of how or when I needed to achieve those goals."

Edel Lyons


Rag Revolution

You don't need to quit your day job or travel to participate.

All our workshops are delivered 100% online and designed to be taken part-time. This means you can attend from anywhere and don't need to quit your day job to participate.

We recommend allocating 10-15 hours / week to get the most out of this program.

The key to finding the next big idea isn't working longer hours, but focusing your scarcest constraint, time, on the few key actions that drive the biggest impact.

Practice trumps theory.

What sets this program apart is that it is taught and led by practicing entrepreneurs. We practice what we teach and the more we coach, the more we learn and share, the better results everyone gets. Everything in this program (content, tools, coaching) has been meta-recursively tested using every principle, technique, and tool in the program.

Our workshops are built by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs and it show
"This program not only changed my approach to building my startup, but it made sure I was focusing on loving the problem and not the product, and constantly reminding myself that the product is the whole business model and not just the MVP itself."

James Spalding



How is 90-Day Startup Structured?

90-Day Startup is a product launch fast track that follows the 30-Day Business Model Design (BMD) playbook and helps you achieve your first singificant traction milestone: Problem/Solution Fit.

What You Learn in 90-Day Startup?

90DS teaches you a systems approach to driving repeatable awareness and interest to your products and services -- before building them.

This is exactly how we have launched all our products over the years -- from best-selling books (Running Lean and Scaling Lean) to popular tools used by millions of people (Lean Canvas, Traction Modeler, Customer Forces Canvas).

Establishing demand for your product before you build your product is the first step to take when launching a new product.

You'll learn

    • How to use carefully scripted interviews to uncover problems worth solving.
    • How to design and build an MVP.
    • How to create an offer your customer cannot refuse - mafia offer.

    90-Day Startup in a Nutshell

    Delivered 100% online.
    Step-by-step playbooks.
    Learn by doing.
    Feedback from certified

    90-Day Startup Outcomes

    The goal of 90-Day Startup is teaching you how to take any idea to Problem/Solution Fit.
    Problem/Solution Fit Process

    Problem/Solution Fit means you have

    • have a clear understanding of your customers needs (and wants).
    • know the smallest thing you need to build to deliver value to your customers (MVP).
    • have secured sufficient tangible commitments (e.g. advance payments, letters of intent) from customers.
    • be able to make an evidence-based go/no-go decision to move forward on the idea.

    Enroll in 90-Day Startup

    This program is hands-on and delivered over 3 months.

    Pre-requisite: Business Model Design playbook.

    The next cohort runs from Sep 2 - Dec 1, 2024.

    You'll get immediate access to all the content and tools upon registration so you can get familiar with the program before the official start.

    For teams of 1-5 people working on the same project
    Running Lean Book
    Course Content
    Online Tools
    Online Community
    Cohort-based workshop
    For teams of 1-5 people working on the same project
    Running Lean Book
    Course Content
    Online Tools
    Live cohort with other founders
    Monthly workshops with Ash Maurya
    Dedicated Coaching
    For teams of 1-5 people working on the same project
    Running Lean Book
    Course Content
    Online Tools
    Live cohort with other founders
    Monthly workshops with Ash Maurya
    12 Weekly Bespoke Coaching Sessions with a certified coach
    1:1 Accountability
    "If you're interested in entrepreneurship, forget going to Harvard Business School (FYI, I am an MBA graduate of HBS). Apply these concepts instead. Had I done so, I know I would have saved myself much time, money, and the attendant dead brain cells."

    Z. Bynum

    Where Did this Workshop Come From and Who's Using It?

    90DS was created by Ash Maurya, author of 2 best-selling books and the creator of the Lean Canvas.

    Ash Maurya Social Proof

    Ash is praised for offering some of the best and most practical advice for entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs all over the world. Driven by the search for better and faster ways for building successful products, Ash has developed a continuous innovation framework for raising the odds of early product success built upon principles and techniques drawn from Lean Startup, Business Modeling Design, Design Thinking, Jobs-to-be-Done, Behavioral Science, and Systems thinking. He regularly hosts sold out workshops around the world and serves as a mentor to several accelerators including TechStars, Capital Factory, and guest lectures at several universities including MIT, Harvard, and UT Austin. Ash serves on the advisory board of a number of startups, and has consulted to new and established companies.


    This workshop incorporates learning across hundreds of workshops and thousands of hours of coaching startup and corporate teams building products spanning a broad spectrum of domains ranging from banking to software.

    The tools, curriculum, and coaching systems used in 90DS have already been deployed and battle-tested across numerous enterprises, startup and corporate accelerators, and universities around the world.

    Alumni Case Studies

    We have put hundreds of teams through this program across the world. Here are some of their stories:

    GoodLawyer doubled their monthly recurring revenue after

    G2V took an idea from early concept to growing traction in less than 90 Days.

    DealSimple testimonial

    DealSimple was able to raise their pricing by 4X by positioning their real estate product in terms of what customers wanted to buy (an assistant) vs. what the team initially though they were selling (software).

    TryDawn testimonail

    TryDawn has already doubled revenue and is on track to 6X their revenue as a result of identifying and focussing on the key constraints in their therapist marketplace business model.

    Trustini testimonial

    Trustini went from having no access to their customer segment (personal injury laywers) to booking dozens of interviews, closing sales, and delivering an MVP.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Why is this program 90-Days?

    After extensive testing across thousands of teams, we've found that 90 days is the right time-box to take any idea from concept to the first significant milestone: Problem/Solution Fit.

    How many people can participate in a team?

    We subscribe to Jeff Bezos' 2-pizza rule and recommend team sizes of 3-5 people with an overlapping mix of hackers, hustlers, and designers.

    What is your refund policy?

    Due to the high-touch nature of the full coaching program, we only accept a limited number of participants into each cohort. As a result, we have a no refunds policy once the program starts. We understand that circumstances change and if you find that you need to defer your participation to a later cohort, we can move you one-time to the next available cohort.

    Why should I join this program? Can't I get the same learnings from your books and free videos?

    For the same reason that we attend schools and universities, or elite athletes hire coaches -- for experience, advice, and external accountability. That's what makes this program different from traditional courses. In addition, we are constantly evolving and refining our framework. You'll learn a completely revised problem discovery process with updated interview scripts and offer testing techniques not covered in any of our books.

    Is this a remote or onsite coaching program?

    The program is run 100% online using the LEANSTACK platform to deliver courses, tools, and on-demand workshops.

    How much time will I be required to dedicate to this program?

    We recommend allocating 15-20 hours a week.

    Can you introduce me to investors?

    Yes. We partner with a number of accelerators who teach our playbooks in their programs and are happy to introduce you to investors if fund-raising is part of your goal.

    I still have questions!

    Drop me an email at ash@leanstack.com.

    "Life's Too Short to Build Something Nobody Wants"

    Ash Maurya


    Author, creator of Lean Canvas, and founder of LEANSTACK.