Get Buy-In From Your Investors and Key Stakeholders
At the early stages of an idea, financial forecasts drown you in a sea of fictional numbers that mask your riskiest assumptions.
The key to creating an actionable forecast is formulating a bottoms-up and stage-based rollout plan.
A Traction Roadmap replaces fictional financial forecasts with an actionable roadmap built on just 7 key metrics and takes 5 minutes to create.




Supports multiple business models
Model any type of business using our basic business model archetypes: Direct, multi-sided, and marketplace.

Step-by-step guidance
Our interactive wizard helps you build your business model bottoms-up. Not sure about typical conversion rates? We guide you along the way.
Not more numbers, but actionable metrics
Instead of drowning you in a sea of numbers, the traction modeler helps you stress-test the viability of your business model using just 7 key metrics.

Find your levers for growth
Since the traction roadmap uses a handful of metrics, it's easy to identify your most actionable levers for growth.
Formulate a Now, Next, Later plan
Ballpark milestones in hand, you'll learn how to formulate and pitch an actionable stage-based rollout plan to your investors and key stakeholders.

Ready to model your traction?
The Traction Roadmap tool is bundled with the 'Business Model Design' Challenge.